Welcome to Strathmore Golf Centre
Open Competitions
All Golfers who hold an official CONGU handicap are welcome to enter our Open Competitions.
We have a varied selection for you to chose from and the datails are all available on-line.
Online Booking
Visitors & Societies
Visitors can make significant savings by booking their tee time directlly on-line.
We also offer some fantastic Discounted Golf and Catering Packages for Groups and Societies.
Find out more
Something for everyone! At Strathmore we have a choice of memberships that should suit all ages and playing preferences, including our flexible points-based membership.
To view all membership types click 'Join Now':
Join now
 | Our Membership Year runs from 1st February to 31st January and there are reductions in the membership fees from May onwards.
Membership Fees can be spread and paid over several months up to and including October.
Please see the membership Page for Membership Types and Rates.
For further information please call 01828 633322 or email enquiries@strathmoregolf.com
Find out more |
If you would like to add a Coffee/Tea and Bacon Roll before you play and either a Soup and Sandwich Lunch or Homemade Pie Chips and Beans after golf, please call us and ask for our 'Silver Ball Saver' - it's only £44 Midweek and £48 Weekends!! Available to book 10 days in advance maximum. Winter Prices are significantly less - call for details.
Great Savings can be made on Golf and Golf & Catering by booking on-line. Find out more |
Academy offer
Our Golf Professional is Gareth Couzens.
Whether you are just starting to play golf or are trying to take your game to the next level Gareth can help.
He can be contacted by telephoning him on 07947 108173.
Alternatively you can contact him on the following:
www.strathmoregolf.com |